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Career Coaching

Access my unwavering support as you review your career pathway and plan for change.

My transition story

If you're a teacher looking to switch things up and move into a new career, I get it! After so many years in the classroom, you're ready for a fresh challenge. Or maybe you are close to burn out and crave more flexibility in your career?

Figuring out what's next and how to get there can be tough. 

That's why I'm here. I specialise in helping teachers like you make empowering career transitions. Maybe you want to move into corporate training, instructional design, curriculum development, or other education-related fields. I'll help you find the right fit based on your strengths, skills, interests—all the good stuff you've built through your teaching experience.

What to expect

Together we'll:

pinpoint careers

Pinpoint careers you may not have considered yet but are totally suited for. Teaching has prepared you with so many relevant skills.


Figure out how to translate your classroom skills into real value for employers. Your experience is more versatile than you think.


Refresh your resume, LinkedIn, online profiles—everything you need to stand out. I know just how to showcase your background.

network and interviews

Build up your network and nail interviews. I’ll give you inside tips and connect you to the right people.

negotiate salary

Negotiate job offers to truly get the salary you deserve. Use that teacher negotiation power.

career transition

Make the transition smooth and successful. Expect a supportive guide every step of the way.

I know career changes can feel daunting, but with the right support and advice it can be a truly empowering experience. 

All sessions will be recorded and provided in video, audio and written transcript format.

How does it work?


Perfect for those in the initial stages of activating a career transition.

  • Completed within 6 weeks

3x60 minutes


A more intense collaboration where we establish a clear action plan.

  • Completed within 2 months

6x60 minutes

As I want to help as many teachers as I can, I also offer a group STARTER price for between 2 and 4 teachers who are at similar stages of their career with similar goals. Group sessions will be 90 minutes.

Your investment:

Simply enter your name and email address below:

Are you ready?

How do you know if you're ready for career coaching?

Ask yourself:

  • Am I feeling stuck, drained, or burnt out in my teaching career?
  • Do I daydream about doing something new but feel unsure where to start?
  • When I think about my next 5 or 10 years, does teaching still feel like the right fit?
  • Do I want help rediscovering my passions and strengths outside the classroom?
  • Am I in the application process and need some interview and portfolio support?

Book a Discovery Call

If you're nodding along, then you're likely ready for coaching. An experienced career coach can pinpoint where you want to go next, illuminate new possibilities, and provide strategic support. Coaching is perfect for teachers who know they're ready for change but need guidance, motivation and confidence to take the leap. If you resonate with this, then it's time to make an investment in yourself and your future. You're ready!